School of Creative


BA(Hons) Arts Management

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Cultural heritage and digital communications: Measuring augmented reality experiences on Instagram

Museums have evaluated the effectiveness of Instagram augmented reality (AR) filters for marketing with numeric metrics such as impressions, shares and opens through Meta’s performance metrics on SparkAR. However, this does not provide information on user satisfaction with the filter and if their experience meets the marketing objective set by the museum. The experience with the arts usually provides an intangible benefit that cannot be quantified with numbers. Hence, there is a need for a deeper understanding of users’ experiences to ensure a proper evaluation process of a filter’s effectiveness.

Interviews with marketing agencies and creative technologists who worked with the arts and cultural industries were conducted to explore the qualitative or quantitative methods of success measurements. The data collected through these interviews will help identify the qualitative dimensions that could be used in museums to measure effectiveness. A new framework will be designed and tested by measuring the effectiveness of an Instagram AR filter by the National Heritage Board (NHB). The findings will be shared with NHB to determine the viability of the framework for museums and will be further refined to ensure the implementation of this framework is feasible.

augmented reality filters, social media marketing, museum marketing, digital communications, museum engagement measurements, technology in culture and heritage

qualitative dimensions to access the effectiveness of Instagram AR filters, a case study on National Heritage Board's "escape batik shop" Instagram filter, feedback from National Heritage Board on evaluation process

Jordan Tham Jun Hui

Jordan Tham Jun Hui

Jordan is a marketing strategist and creative manager with experience in the communications and advertising industry. He is highly passionate about constantly evolving communications for the creative industries. His key interest lies in how the digital landscape can bring arts closer to the world.

Jordan uses the power of creativity and storytelling to help and build meaningful relationships with their audiences. Having had the opportunity to work with arts organisations, Jordan has led multiple marketing campaigns for large-scale exhibitions by SAtheCollective and other local artists.

Work experience

May – Jul 2022
Media Unboxxed
Account manager

Jul – Oct 2021
Marketing coordinator