School of Creative

Nadia Ayesha Bte Mohamad Anwar

Nadia Ayesha Bte Mohamad Anwar

MA Creative Writing

Nadia is a novelist and enrichment teacher. She published her debut novel Showers of Luck with Penguin Random House SEA in November 2022. Her poetry has been published in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore. Her MA thesis The Probability of Everything is a novel-in-progress which explores the mysteries of ourselves and our family, even those we think we know best, and how chance occurrences alter our life trajectory, for better or worse.

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Thesis work

The Probability of Everything is a novel-in-progress. Fraternal twins, Eva and Alhan, have lived on two different continents for over a decade but do not go a day without speaking to each other.

When Alhan is disturbed by strange phone calls about their biological mother, whom they believed died many years ago, being alive and well, the twins unite to find the enigmatic woman who gave birth to them. Along the way, they find more questions than answers but a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

The Probability of Everything is a story that examines the mysteries of ourselves and our family, even those we think we know best, and how chance occurrences serve to alter our life trajectory, for better or worse.

Published work and readings

Published works

Ayesha, Nadia. Showers of Luck. Penguin SEA, 2022.

Ayesha, Nadia. 'This island.' SAMPAN, edited by SAMPAN editorial team, LASALLE College of the Arts, 2022, pp. 38-39.

Ayesha, Nadia. 'One Path', Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, vol 21, no. 2, April 2022.