School of
Dance & Theatre

Feroz J Malik

Feroz J Malik

Diploma in Performance
2020 — 2023

Feroz is an eccentric figure with a deep love for all art. As a student in LASALLE College of the Arts' Diploma in Performance programme, he pursued this passion in the form of theatre.

Feroz has a proclivity for all things antique and classical, with an aptitude for Shakespeare, opera and similar classical art. As a performer and writer, he possesses a powerful voice and a personality that adds poetry to everything he does. Feroz is driven by his love for stories and wishes to tell them in any way he can.

His love for stories extends into his hobby as a game master for role-playing games, which he feels is a medium that allows him to incorporate his creative ambitions in immersive experiences and participatory theatre. Feroz also has a talent for horror and all things dark and beautiful, and plans to explore the genre deeply in his artistic pursuits.

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