School of Design Communication

Gracie Lee En

Gracie Lee En

BA(Hons) Design Communication

Gracie is a Singapore-based 'aesthetic anarchist' and 'visual vomiteer' with five years of academic training in making otherwise boring things fun and/or bold. As an empath, she adopts a human-centric approach and greatly values research in her projects. As a person who loves the unpredictable, she often throws in plot twists and bold ideas to make heads turn. As an aspiring jack-of-all-trades, she enjoys exploring multidisciplinary skillsets to take her already insane ideas to a greater level of insanity. In her next conquest, she hopes to direct her curiosity towards the exciting world of art direction and advertising.


Match Monsters - Tinder x Pop Mart

Tinder's inability to facilitate genuine connections and lack of after-match engagement has created distrust and commitment phobia amongst many Gen Z users. The project explores the introduction of an in-app feature that encourages personality expression through engaging after-match experiences, assisting users in getting to know their matches beyond the first swipe.

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Thesis abstract