School of Design Communication



Diploma in Design for Communication and Experiences

Joseph is an Indonesian multidisciplinary creative based in Singapore. As someone interested in the intersections between the arts and other fields of study, he currently dabbles in creative programming and design research. He is intrigued by how design can be implemented to create positive impacts on our direct surroundings.

Joseph often delves into a more experimental approach in his studio practice and enjoys having an open mind to learn new things. He is fueled by caffeine, and when not doing something design-related, you can catch him in the kitchen high on adrenaline, brewing gastronomical delights.


ALFIE (Artificial Language for Insignificant Excess)

ALFIE (Artificial Language For Insiginificant Excess) is an advanced intelligent system that re-manufactures agricultural waste through a more experimental approach while raising awareness of human consumption and food waste. ALFIE consists of a design lab and a data-centric installation, which draws inspiration from technology, artificial intelligence and their ubiquitous presences in our society today.

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Thesis abstract