of Fashion

Pratyusha Prasad Borgaonkar

Pratyusha Prasad Borgaonkar

BA(Hons) Fashion Design and Textiles

Pratyusha is keen on learning new techniques and methods that will help her become a versatile fashion designer. Her interest in fashion focuses on experimental silhouettes and the study of tailoring techniques. She is inspired by her Indian culture and everyday objects that inform her creative works.



Arrangements is a creative cutting and tailoring-focused menswear collection. It looks at the mannerisms of ritualistic practices in India and uncovers the metaphors communicated within them. This collection is an interpretation of these values and objects found in the nexus of rituals.

A mix of experimental and technical pattern drafting methods is explored in the collection. The silhouettes created are a response to the research and they try to communicate the core values of the rituals. The collection also includes garments with post-colonial styles to balance the experimental silhouettes, and accessories and embellishments inspired by the object-oriented identification of the rituals. The accessories will be embellished with brass motifs, since it is a common metal used in the vessels and objects of ritualistic mannerisms.

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