of Fashion

Nawfal 'Aqasha Bin Mohamad Fairuze

Nawfal 'Aqasha Bin Mohamad Fairuze

Diploma in Creative Direction for Fashion

Nawfal is a passionate and work-driven individual with an open mindset, eager to learn new skills. Specialising in fashion photography and film, they are always open to work effectively in teams and establish new connections, which serve to generate highly flamboyant images and films.


The Car Is Not Just A Car

A short documentary on BasementOne, a car community brand founded by Izzraimy. This story covers how Izzraimy ties culture and fashion together in his work. As both a creative and a founder of a car community, he talks about his inspirations and why he has started what he has started, explaining how he intertwines fashion with cars.

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