School of Creative

Ashley Hikari Song

Ashley Hikari Song

BA (Hons) Arts Management

Ashley is an aspiring arts manager seeking to contribute to the arts and culture industry. Prior to pursuing a BA (Hons) Arts Management degree at LASALLE College of the Arts, she graduated from Republic Polytechnic's Diploma in Arts and Theatre Management and Singapore Repertory Theatre's two-year Arts Management Residency programme.

Key highlights of her time at LASALLE includes being a part of the programming committee of Rock and Indie Festival (2023) and an internship with Asian Civilisations Museum and Peranakan Museum. She was also invited to share her team's project on promoting heritage businesses in collaboration with the National Heritage Board at the Communicating the Arts conference Singapore 2023.

With her recent growing interest in the heritage and culture sector, Ashley hopes to further understand Singapore's multiculturalism and work towards the promotion and safeguarding of culture and heritage for future generations.