School of Film
& Animation

BA(Hons) Film

His Bottom Line (蒙在股里)

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At every opportunity, IT-illiterate Ah Guan takes leisurely walks through Singapore’s crowded streets, holding up his cheaply made signboard for all to see: ‘FROM MY HEART, HONEST MAN NEED A WIFE. ANY AGE, LOOK, RACE OK. BUT BACK MUST NICE. WILL PAMPER YOU LIKE BABY.’

For the first time in his life at 57, he is looking for a wife. He truly believes that his grounded approach will help him in his search for love. Through his conquest for companionship, the documentary explores his isolation, loneliness and motivation for true love.

Director: Chew Yun Yan

Assistant Director: Trudy Gold Lukamto

Producer: Adeline Tan

Editor: Vernetta Lim

Cinematographer: Tang Wenchao

Audio mixing: Chan Soo Chee, Vernetta Lim, Craig Woo

Soundtrack: 'Honest Man' by Ahmadul Amin

Film type: Short Documentary
Genre: Biopic
Runtime: 00:17:02

Country: Singapore, Vietnam
Language: English, Chinese