School of
Dance & Theatre

Marissa Vojodi

Marissa Vojodi

BA(Hons) Musical Theatre
2020 — 2023

Marissa is a well-rounded performer with a dazzling voice, whose love for singing was sparked at the young age of seven. Since then, she has been honing her craft in performing and her journey in the BA(Hons) Musical Theatre programme at LASALLE College of the Arts will mark 11 years of practice, experience and growth. Marissa initially embarked on her theatre journey through the Diploma in Theatre programme at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, and began her musical theatre career as the understudy in Tissue Aunty The Musical, which was a part of Singapore’s first-ever Musical Theatre Fringe Festival (MTFF) by Sing'Theatre. As a true soprano who can belt out a power ballad too, she will not stop in the pursuit of achieving her goals as a musical theatre performer.

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